Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Celebrating an ending and a new beginning!

It was bitter sweet as we had our last Air Force ROTC Formal. It was like, the first "last time" moment before Justin graduated and commissioned. The sweet part was ALL the fun and wonderful memories that we made this weekend. It is also sweet knowing that we are even closer to getting to spend the summer together. It will be a nice change, getting to see each other for more than 3 days. We can't wait!

The night was fantastic! Justin's parents and friends were there. We all were able to celebrate the year's successes and the bravery and commitment that each of these men and women possess. I felt honored to be there with them. Each of these people are special to my heart.

Please pray for those that are commissioning a beginning a career in the life of the military. Pray that we will go into it with arms wide open, ready for the adventure, and living for the cause.

Love you all, Rebekah

"And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8

First Field Trip :0) Last Week :'(

My first field trip was last Friday. We brought all our special 2nd graders to the zoo. It was full of exploring, questioning, and laughs. I love being able to experience things that we are learning about in the classroom.

I have learned so much from these children and Ms. Cash. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye on Friday. She has become such a great friend and someone that I can learn a lot from.

I can't wait to have a class of my own soon! I have so many fun ideas in my head that I'm ready to use!

Please pray for jobs to open up so that I will be able to teach next year. The district is having a hard time finding the funding to hire new teachers. Please keep all of us graduates in your prayers.

Monday, April 14, 2008

life lessons...

As life goes on, lessons will come as well. I have learned that God's timing is perfect and that He knows exactly what we need to learn and when we need to learn it (even if we don't always agree with His choosing of those times). I went to Passion 08 and to a new church in Atlanta this weekend. I learned a few very important life lessons...meaning things I will need to remember for the rest of my days.

  1. People should not only be known as Church goers, but as people Consumed by the Holy Spirit. There should be a drastic difference in our lives...we are going from death to LIFE!

  2. We are promised two things by Jesus in John 14: In this world we WILL have troublesome times AND God has overcome those troubles. When in those hard times, keep your eyes on the cross because that is the best example of a troublesome time being used to become the most glorious of times!! I do not think I have experienced a truly troublesome time -of course growing up I thought I experienced one every week :0) . This allowed me to feel at peace and somewhat warned before those times come.
  3. Beware of my mouth (James 4). Our mouths are referred to as "a spark that can start a wildfire". We must realize that those short, sharp comments can have Huge and unrepairable damages. This made me reflect on conversations with family and students. We should all, Myself DEFINITELY included, remember that our mouths are "loaded weapons" and that we should be the responsible owner of them. One thing the preacher said when referring to James 4 was "we all have sparked a fire with words, but it's what you do afterwards that reflects your heart. Take responsibility. Say I'm sorry. And then stop talking...all those explanations just add gasoline to the fire." This sermon spoke so directly into my life, my heart, and my weakness.


I must add that I was able to experience this wonderful weekend with my wonderful and encouraging fiance, whom I grow to love more everyday.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Joy doesn't rely on this life!

"I'm too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed.I refuse to be discouraged, to be sad or to cry.I refuse to be down hearted and here's the reason why:I have a God who is almighty; who is sovereign and supreme.I have a God who loves me -- and I am on His team.He is all wise and powerful; Jesus is His name.Though everything else is changeable, My God remains the same.I refuse to be beaten or defeated.My eyes are on my God.He has promised to be with me, as through this life I trod.I am looking past my circumstances, to heaven's throne above.My prayers have reached the heart of God and I am resting in His love.I give thanks to Him in everything.My eyes are on His face.The battle is His; the victory is mine; He will help me win the race.I repeat!I'm too blessed to be stressed!"
-Author unknown

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation."

April Showers...

We had our first shower and we both loved it! Justin loved it because it was a tool and gadget shower! Lots of new toys :) I loved it because I got to meet so many of his Auburn friends. Having your first shower is a big come home with all these gifts, sit them on the table, and if you're not anxiously awaiting anyway ;)

Psalm 9:1 "I will praise you, Oh Lord, with all my heart!"