Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our life in "Texico"

So proud of my Airman that graduated in July from ASBC!! Just the beginning of many successes :)

So we live in a place where sometimes you're in Texas and sometimes you feel like you stepped into Mexico! It's totally new and really neat in a way! We have been here over 3 weeks and are still learning so much about our new home. One of our favorite places so far has been the historic down town. It is absolutely has a large vineyard, a cute bed and breakfast, and everything is so quaint and historic. We also like the big lake here! We were driving to it the other day and almost drove into it...they don't have barriers like Lake Murray in Lexington!!

We just finished decorating and unpacking at our new home. It's so cute and feels like a home :) Our living room is called our South Carolina room :)

Justin has been very busy studying and of course doing PAPER WORK...
He's beginning his flight training in Colorado soon and I'll be visiting home during that time and starting work! I got a job teaching 5th grade!!

There have been some definite differences that we've noticed:
  • Different oak trees...mostly Leaning Pines.
  • The wind blows all the's kinda nice considering it's in the 100's everyday.
  • Not everyone has our southern hospitality, and not everyone gets it :)
  • The style of the homes is very different...more westernized...close to the ground.
  • Very wide open spaces...feel like you're closer to the sun.
  • NO HUMIDITY...we have had chapped lips and dry skin, but have found the solutions!!
  • Time moves slower. No one's in a rush and that has it's perks too!
  • Most everyone is bi-lingual...we're working on that :)
God is teaching me so much about getting my strength from Him. I've enjoyed my time playing the guitar again and reading. Justin and I were talking the other night about how we are just learners on a journey...we have never claimed to know it all, and that's a wonderful place to be! So here we are, newlyweds, growing and learning more everyday here in "Texico" =)

We love you all! Thanks for your prayers.
R & J
~Our prayer request is: Success in jobs and Safety as we are apart this month.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Fourth with Family and Friends!

We were blessed to have a long weekend and got to come home for a short visit! We had so much fun and I thought I'd share some pictures!

The first three pictures are time we got to spend with our precious nephews and niece! Anna Claire and Charlie are growing so much and are becoming so strong with their head control! They also amazed us by their awareness with colors and sounds! Daniel has learned more words and is much more confident around the pool! He understands so much of what we are saying and has started repeating words you say. We love all 3 of them lots and can't wait till Caroline (our neice on the way) comes to join them in October!

The next two pictures are the two families at the 4th of July celebration on Sunday! It was so great to see all of our friends and to celebrate with both families together. The preacher spoke about the importance of a life vocation...not a job, but as Websters puts it: "vocation - a function or station in life to which one is called by God." Whatever God calls us to do, do it with your whole heart.

The following four pictures are the family get-togethers. We had a wonderful time at the Peach Festival with my family. There's nothing like peach ice cream, little merchandise stands, and the Gilbert Parade :) Then we went to Justin's Uncle's house to celebrate with his family in the pool! We also celebrated his Grandma's 80th Birthday! We ended the day with a barbecue and fire works at my family's house. It was so neat to sit around and listen to all the fun stories of times past. There's so much we can learn from these experiences. And of course we headed to Memaws for Sunday lunch the next day :)

As we headed out of Columbia we got the most beautiful view! I love those moments when you feel like God is giving you a gift of natures beauty!

Justin and I are back safely in "sweet home Alabama". We are growing closer and more in love everyday. I have to tell you how amazed we were as we were talking and realized that God was teaching us the same thing today during our quiet time! God lead me to the story of Elijah and how he waited for years to see the rain and how he prayed 7 times on the top of the mountain before the rain came and it was a "down pour". I told Justin how this was teaching me to wait and pray. To not expect those down pours after one talk with God. Justin was reading from Ecclesiastes about how their is "a time for everything". God was putting the same thing on his heart about waiting for the Lord and His timing. We all worship a God who is into the details of our life and that is AWESOME!! OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!

Thanks so much for you friendship and prayers! We love you all!

"Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you." -Luke 11:9

Please Pray:
-Justin's big test is on Friday. Pray for focus and confidence as he takes it.
-I am waiting to hear back from some job options. Please pray for peace and patience.
A Praise!
-We have been assigned a nice house in Del Rio that has more room that we'd asked for!!