This is my last day in Westbank. I sit and think about what I've learned about myself and how I've grown closer to Christ. Many people say that your faith grows and matures as you take steps in it. I agree with that, but also I see how it is a process of going back to your faith as a child.
God has blessed me with a lot of time spent with children here. Many were not believers. By talking with them about God, I could see the awe and intrigue in their eyes. Their faith is so strong for someone so little. They just believe.
It causes me to wonder...why do we always have to question, always have to have proof, always have to look at things through a sceptical view. We don't!
Faith is walking through the UNKNOWN. Faith is learning to Trust. It's easy to trust when you are in control, but learning to lean on Jesus is learning to give up your control.
Because of this trip my faith has grown to be like the faith of a child. Willing to still be in awe and intrigued by the love of my Father. To walk into the unknown without any doubt. And to know that wherever I go, if I am looking to him, he will not let my foot stumble.
"Return to rest, O my soul; for the LORD has dealt bountifully with thee.
For He has delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling." --Psalm 116:7-8
For He has delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling." --Psalm 116:7-8
See you all really soon! Pray for safe travel.
Love, Rebekah :)
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