Sometimes this world is so hard. It makes multiple women everyday question their value, their worth, their beauty. I had a friend who really believed that these thoughts came from God. It was His way of reminding us to stay healthy. Oh how the Deceiver loves it. To make us believe that our self worth is measured by a reflection we see. Our God, our Creator, He is the only one who can measure the thoughts and the motives of our heart. The most vulnerable part of our body is our heart and soul. We keep this protected and only open it up to a few people in this world. Do you think the Savior of this World judges your self worth on the reflection of your skin or the treasured heart and soul?
We can see His answer in the living and active Word:
Psalm 139
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
God is not speaking of just one shape of a woman, one color of a woman, one volume of a woman, or even women. He is speaking of ALL his children. Do you think the Majestic King of the Universe would make a mistake? You are his master piece.
My heart breaks because each one of us women know how it is to feel this way. But, let us not be deceived. These thoughts are not coming from our Creator who is captivated daily by us. His love is unimaginable.
Thank you for dealing with my outpour of emotions.
Love, Rebekah
Barlow Girl "Mirror"
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Have I got it?'Cause Mirror you've always told me who I am
I'm finding it's not easy to be perfect
So sorry you won't define me
Sorry you don't own me
Who are you to tell me that I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don't need to listen to the list of things I should do
I won't try, I won't try
Mirror I am seeing a new reflection
I'm looking into the eyes of He who made me
And to Him I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me
You don't define me, you don't define me
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
We're in this together & I couldn't be Prouder.

So about a week ago I was sitting around a table with lots of ladies and one asked me a question that I haven't been able to forget: "So Rebekah, what do you like to do? Like what are you going to do when Justin's not home?" I have been asked similar questions a few times. It astounds me that so many people expect me to know what my future holds. It's just hilarious.
This is what I do know: Rebekah has always been a few things: adventerous, independant, sensitive, nature lover, and lover of experiencing new things. This will probably never change. These are the special characteristics that I share with my husband-to-be. When he does have work obligations that keep him away, I will continue to be a woman that is adventerous, independant, sensitive, a nature lover that loves to experience new things. It is not a concept that brings fear to me...just more dependance on my Father, who is THE ONLY one who knows where and what is to come for Justin and I. I love Justin and will never wish away the accomplishments he has made and will make. As we take the leap into forever, we know that means the good and hard times.
We appreciate ALL of your prayers and encouragment!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." --Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Joy of Planning our SPECIAL day...
Justin and I have had so much fun planning our wedding day! It is so great to think about the fact that in about 9 months I will be Mrs. Rebekah Brazell! We have finished the registering adventure (which includes Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Sears, and Belk). This made us even more excited because we can see it all coming together. I LOVE our china, crystal, and bedding. Those are probably my favorites...Justin's favorites are probably the tool box, electric drill, and other fun things from Sears! :)
Another exciting addition was finding THE DRESS!! It is b-e-a-uuuutiful and I feel like a princess in it!
Another exciting step to our future was when Justin got his pilots liscense recently!
I love being able to share the excitment with our friends and families. The encouragement means more than anyone will ever know. For example, when my mother talks to me about how the Lord has prepared me to be a wonderful supportive wife on the adventure ahead of us; or when my sister encourages me by explaining all the different ways to keep in touch these days; or when my friend, Britt, gets teary eyed with joy for me and Justin. We know for sure that we don't know what all is ahead of us and we probably won't ever have it "all together", but the loving, encouraging words show us that you care and they are cherished and valued SO much.
God is so good and faithful. I am so blessed to have a FUN, loyal, and pure relationship; and I give ALL the glory to my Father in Heaven and the parents He gave me.
The months are flying by...NOVEMBER HERE WE COME :)
"The LORD has become my stronghold. My God has become my rock of refuge."
--Psalm 42:22
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