So about a week ago I was sitting around a table with lots of ladies and one asked me a question that I haven't been able to forget: "So Rebekah, what do you like to do? Like what are you going to do when Justin's not home?" I have been asked similar questions a few times. It astounds me that so many people expect me to know what my future holds. It's just hilarious.
This is what I do know: Rebekah has always been a few things: adventerous, independant, sensitive, nature lover, and lover of experiencing new things. This will probably never change. These are the special characteristics that I share with my husband-to-be. When he does have work obligations that keep him away, I will continue to be a woman that is adventerous, independant, sensitive, a nature lover that loves to experience new things. It is not a concept that brings fear to me...just more dependance on my Father, who is THE ONLY one who knows where and what is to come for Justin and I. I love Justin and will never wish away the accomplishments he has made and will make. As we take the leap into forever, we know that means the good and hard times.
We appreciate ALL of your prayers and encouragment!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." --Jeremiah 29:11
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