Our new blog is rbrazell.wordpress.com
Please come check it out!! Thanks again for your support and prayers...we are so grateful!!
-R & J
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our First Year together
The Past: When we stop and look back at where we've come from, or better yet, where God's taken us, we can simply thank God that He did His will for us before He did our will...His will is always the best! We look at the trials He's brought us through...for example, the 6 month delay between graduation and Justin's start date, my job search in Texas while living in Alabama, and the many other unexpecteds of the first year :) But more than that, we are amazed at how He's always been there to bless us and love us along the way. For example, the many times the bank account had more than my balanced checkbook showed, or the job offer that came when none were listed on the website, and lets not forget the 5 random jobs God gave to us while we were in Lexington for 6 months...not to mention the 3 healthy nieces and nephew that have been added this past year!!! His blessing are truly countless!!!
The Present: We are speechless. He has given Justin his dream job and has given him success through the first Phase of Pilot training, He's given Rebekah her dream job as a teacher with a higher purpose, and He's given us both more love than we could have ever imagined!!
The Future: God has begun to put specific callings and lessons in our lives. We know that He is constantly preparing us for what's to come, and we want to be ready for wherever He leads. We thank you ahead for the prayers that will cover us now and in the future.
Here are some fun pictures from our Anniversary celebration :)
My big surprise while at work on Friday!!

We love you all!
J & R
The Present: We are speechless. He has given Justin his dream job and has given him success through the first Phase of Pilot training, He's given Rebekah her dream job as a teacher with a higher purpose, and He's given us both more love than we could have ever imagined!!
The Future: God has begun to put specific callings and lessons in our lives. We know that He is constantly preparing us for what's to come, and we want to be ready for wherever He leads. We thank you ahead for the prayers that will cover us now and in the future.
Here are some fun pictures from our Anniversary celebration :)
We love you all!
J & R
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
"Grieving with, not for them."

As I sat, and watched the memorial for our dear brethren and sisters in Fort Hood, I couldn't help but weep as our President spoke the words, "lets not grieve for them, but with them". I am not the biggest fan of our President's beliefs, but I truly appreciated the respect he gave to them in his words today. As Veterans Day approaches, I have a stronger appreciation this year. Not only because of the closer connection I now have with the military, but also because of the clearer understanding I now have of the true sacrifice these men and women, in each branch, give for me and you, every single day. For those who have given their lives for my freedom, I am grateful. Each war, each death, is truly valuable in our Nations History of freedom. May we all keep those at war, their families, and the families of the lost, in our daily prayers.
I am thankful for this Nation, "One Nation Under God".
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Let the Training Begin!!!
Here are some pictures of the first two training weeks for Justin :)
sitting in the Altitude Chamber...getting excited about the ride ahead :)

Practicing parachute procedures before the big jump :0)
So happy our schedules allowed me to share these experiences with him :) I am so proud of him.
Thanks for continuing to lift his safety and success up in your prayers.
-R & J
Thanks for continuing to lift his safety and success up in your prayers.
-R & J
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Home sweet home
We enjoyed a visit home last weekend! It was a quick visit, but a much needed one. We decided that we love the journey that our Lord has prepared for us, but we also love the familiarity that home has for us. As we visited, we got to celebrate Rebekah's mom's Birthday and visit our sweet new niece, Caroline.
Here's some fun pictures from the Birthday celebration...we had a slumber party at Momma and Daddy's :0)

Here's some pictures of sweet Caroline :) It was neat to see her and Daniel spending time together! He's going to be such a good big brother!

We also spent some time with all of our grandparents. They are so special to us and we are blessed to have them in our lives.
We got back home safely and on time, and the week began early the next morning :)
Here are some pictures of happenings in Del Rio:
*Sorry the picture quality isn't very good...it came from the cell phone.
Justin and I got this beautiful bird bath from this pottery store that has many pieces that are made in Mexico.
This is Justin in his flight suit with his G-suit and helmet on!!! So exciting :)
This is a picture of Rebekah dancing with some of her students and staff members at Lamar Elementary's Fall Festival!
Thanks for your continued prayer as Justin begins a very important part of his career. Please pray for his focus and safety. We hope you all continue to have a very blessed and beautiful Fall.
Love, R & J
Here's some fun pictures from the Birthday celebration...we had a slumber party at Momma and Daddy's :0)

Here's some pictures of sweet Caroline :) It was neat to see her and Daniel spending time together! He's going to be such a good big brother!
We also spent some time with all of our grandparents. They are so special to us and we are blessed to have them in our lives.
We got back home safely and on time, and the week began early the next morning :)
Here are some pictures of happenings in Del Rio:
*Sorry the picture quality isn't very good...it came from the cell phone.

Thanks for your continued prayer as Justin begins a very important part of his career. Please pray for his focus and safety. We hope you all continue to have a very blessed and beautiful Fall.
Love, R & J
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
God's fingerprints in my life.
I am so blessed by each one of these precious students. God has used them to make a difference in my life...to teach me and to bring joy into my life right now! Each of them make a fingerprint into my path...the path God's laid before me. Thank you so much for every prayer. The students are so wonderful, but also go through a whole lot everyday. Here's a few pictures of our Fall time together:
If they have 5 good days in a row, they get a High Five Award!!!
We have a section for compliments. They can write compliments for each other or me, and I can write compliments to them :)

All of my beautiful and silly kiddos :0) It was picture day, so we thought it was the perfect time for a class picture!
Fall Fun Facts!! Everyone wrote a Fun Fact that they've learned the first 6 weeks of school.
Thanks for you prayers and encouragement! This has been the most exciting and unpredictable first year of teaching...I could have never dreamed of this, but I think that's exactly why God gave it to me :)
Love, Rebekah
P.S. What ever happened to bringing your teacher an apple???!!! This is a "gift" from one of the students!

Thanks for you prayers and encouragement! This has been the most exciting and unpredictable first year of teaching...I could have never dreamed of this, but I think that's exactly why God gave it to me :)
Love, Rebekah
P.S. What ever happened to bringing your teacher an apple???!!! This is a "gift" from one of the students!

October Happenings :)
So many blessings have come this month. A huge blessing came October 20th at 3pm when we welcomed a beautiful little niece into the world! We are so happy that baby Caroline and Erin are doing well and already home :)
Here are some photos of what's been happening here!
We spent the whole day Saturday working outside...it was too beautiful of a day to waste :) We are now ready for the trick-or-treaters :0)

After a fun hayride we went to the pumpkin patch and picked the best one there!! We named him "Marvin" :0)
We celebrated out 11 months with a nice dinner with our China and Crystal from the wedding. We fall more in love everyday and are so grateful for God's example of true love through his son Jesus Christ.
NO, I didn't give him a bruise :) This is a picture from a mock exercise that the men did a week ago. They each got different fake "accidents" to play out during the exercise. I was not expecting this when he got home, so needless to say, I was pretty surprised!!
We love you all so much and hope you are enjoying this wonderful Season!!
Love, R & J
Here are some photos of what's been happening here!
We love you all so much and hope you are enjoying this wonderful Season!!
Love, R & J
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Decorating for Fall is so much fun!! Kira was my 'big helper'. It's even more exciting when it actually FEELS like Fall! The past week it's been in the 50's-70's and we're loving it!! Autumn is such a beautiful way to see God's creation! This Fall is an important time for us, as Justin begins Pilot Training, Rebekah gets her ESL (English as a Second Language) Teaching Certification, and we welcome another precious niece!!
Love you all,
J & R (and Kira)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Cardboard Testimony
Our home church back in South Carolina recently had an amazing service where they did something called Cardboard Testimonies. The idea is to simply think of the state of your life before Christ and your life after you found Christ. It was such a touching experience for Justin and me, while we watched it on video. I attached the link to the video. Please take 8 minutes to watch this video that Glorifies God!!!
Rebekah's Cardboard testimony:
Was running for 2 years from where God wanted me to be. Now, am finding complete joy in HIS will, while teaching in Del Rio and happily married with my soulmate, and learning to be a military wife.
Justin's Cardboard testimony:
Told by many that I couldn't do it and wouldn't accomplish much. Now, through Christ and the love of my wife, accomplishing more than I ever thought was possible.
So thankful that our God never gives up! He gave us family, friends, and each other...all people who have been used as instruments in our lives to show us different attributes of our loving father. Please feel free to post your cardboard testimony to this story :) It's so neat to see how LIVING and ACTIVE our God is!!!
Love you all!
J & R
Rebekah's Cardboard testimony:
Was running for 2 years from where God wanted me to be. Now, am finding complete joy in HIS will, while teaching in Del Rio and happily married with my soulmate, and learning to be a military wife.
Justin's Cardboard testimony:
Told by many that I couldn't do it and wouldn't accomplish much. Now, through Christ and the love of my wife, accomplishing more than I ever thought was possible.
So thankful that our God never gives up! He gave us family, friends, and each other...all people who have been used as instruments in our lives to show us different attributes of our loving father. Please feel free to post your cardboard testimony to this story :) It's so neat to see how LIVING and ACTIVE our God is!!!
Love you all!
J & R
Saturday, October 3, 2009
San Antonio was AWESOME :)
We enjoyed a wonderful visit to San Antonio!! We have to admit, it was nice to get away for a while from Del Rio :) Here's some fun pictures!
The Zoo was HUGE!! We were there for more than 4hours! It was really neat...we love animals :)

We spent the rest of the day at the river walk and ate dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. It's one of the neatest restaurants we've ever been to!

We had a great tour of the Alamo and of course got some genuine cowboy boots :0)
One positive about Military life is all the new places we'll get to see and explore together!
Love you all!
R & J
P.S. Thanks for all the sweet Birthday wishes, cards, and gifts :) Rebekah had a wonderful day!
We had a great tour of the Alamo and of course got some genuine cowboy boots :0)
One positive about Military life is all the new places we'll get to see and explore together!
Love you all!
R & J
P.S. Thanks for all the sweet Birthday wishes, cards, and gifts :) Rebekah had a wonderful day!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My Soul is Smiling :)
A real genuine smile has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Not a fake one, but one that comes from a soul that is overflowing from Joy that is coming from somewhere greater than ourselves. It's a gift that God gives us and some days it comes unexpectedly and I just stop and think "Where is this coming from?" Today as I was coming home I heard a song that just put words to the feelings I'm describing. Natalie Grant is one of my favorite artists and I love her new song! Anyway, I hope this finds you in a moment where you can stop and listen to the song attached. Our God is just too Loving to not talk about!! Some days are deserts and some days are mountain tops, but today I thank God for the gift of a Mountain Top experience :)
P.S. Please take a minute to pray for one of my students who was taken to a shelter last week with his 5 siblings. It has been horribly difficult for the Grandmother to deal with and I met with her today and her heart is completely broken. Thankfully she's a believer in the power of prayer! Thanks for joining us in this battle. It was truly a mistake that I hope the State will correct for her and for these 6 precious children.
Thank you!!! And I pray God will bless you all with a WONDERFUL weekend as the Fall season approaches! I can hardly contain the excitement...I just love this season :)
Love, Rebekah (and Justin)
P.S. Please take a minute to pray for one of my students who was taken to a shelter last week with his 5 siblings. It has been horribly difficult for the Grandmother to deal with and I met with her today and her heart is completely broken. Thankfully she's a believer in the power of prayer! Thanks for joining us in this battle. It was truly a mistake that I hope the State will correct for her and for these 6 precious children.
Thank you!!! And I pray God will bless you all with a WONDERFUL weekend as the Fall season approaches! I can hardly contain the excitement...I just love this season :)
Love, Rebekah (and Justin)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Lake Day for Labor Day :)
One of the many things we have discovered in our new home and love is the Lake! It reminds us somewhat of the Lake Murray we grew up on :) For our first Labor Day as official full time workers :) we enjoyed a relaxing day with friends exploring the surroundings of Lake Amistad. It is full of beautiful scenery and nature! And the sky really does look bigger here :)
This is a picture of Devil's Canon. Do you see how the rock looks like a face??? 

This is one of the few houses around the canons!

We've also enjoyed the Football season starting! We were happy to get to see our AU Tigers and Gamecocks play AND WIN their first games of the season!! So happy to have the Fall season approaching...it's always my favorite :) But then again, we're trying not to wish the days away...they are going too fast anyway!
Sending you our love,
R & J
"How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing" --Chris Tomlin
We've also enjoyed the Football season starting! We were happy to get to see our AU Tigers and Gamecocks play AND WIN their first games of the season!! So happy to have the Fall season approaching...it's always my favorite :) But then again, we're trying not to wish the days away...they are going too fast anyway!
Sending you our love,
R & J
"How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing" --Chris Tomlin
Monday, August 31, 2009
I stand AMAZED
Wow! Just one week & one day into the year of teaching and I stand amazed at what the Lord is doing and has done. It amazes me to look back at the steps it has taken us to get here. Even 3 1/2 years ago when Justin and I went on our first date after we had sworn we would ONLY remain friends after college started ;) Every little detail Our Lord thought out. I can say without a doubt that I am meant to be here at such a time as this!! Just one glance at my Art/Pictures/Note covered wall from my students, and I know God's shining already into their lives! It gives me no greater joy than to open that door and see kids waiting to get into the classroom for another Adventurous day!
One thing that it has done has confirmed even more that we should always follow the guidance of our Lord and the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Many people will try to "guide" you with their wants and opinions, but WOW is it amazing at what we would have been missing out on!
I have TONS of pictures and will upload them soon :) Justin has started his "casual status" jobs while waiting for the October start date of pilot training. He seems to really enjoy them...honestly he just doesn't like to be still, so anything that keeps him busy he enjoys! One of his jobs in on the flight line and he enjoys learning more about the airplanes he'll be flying and about the flight patterns. We actually got RAIN the other day...just for 15 minutes, but we'll take it! It even hailed! Notice the sprinkler still going :) The rain was very unexpected!

We are rejoicing and praising God for Justin's safe return from IFS! Thanks everyone so much for your cards of encouragement...they mean so much to us...they are helping make our house a home :)
Please continue to pray for:
-Both of our success and safety in our new jobs!
-My students that are going through HUGE obstacles in their lives.
-That little ache from missing home. (Praise the Lord for Skype, phones, emails, and letters!)
We will DEFINITELY be heading home for Christmas and possibly(hopefully) for a short visit in October :)
Keep in touch!
R & J
One thing that it has done has confirmed even more that we should always follow the guidance of our Lord and the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Many people will try to "guide" you with their wants and opinions, but WOW is it amazing at what we would have been missing out on!
I have TONS of pictures and will upload them soon :) Justin has started his "casual status" jobs while waiting for the October start date of pilot training. He seems to really enjoy them...honestly he just doesn't like to be still, so anything that keeps him busy he enjoys! One of his jobs in on the flight line and he enjoys learning more about the airplanes he'll be flying and about the flight patterns. We actually got RAIN the other day...just for 15 minutes, but we'll take it! It even hailed! Notice the sprinkler still going :) The rain was very unexpected!
We are rejoicing and praising God for Justin's safe return from IFS! Thanks everyone so much for your cards of encouragement...they mean so much to us...they are helping make our house a home :)
Please continue to pray for:
-Both of our success and safety in our new jobs!
-My students that are going through HUGE obstacles in their lives.
-That little ache from missing home. (Praise the Lord for Skype, phones, emails, and letters!)
We will DEFINITELY be heading home for Christmas and possibly(hopefully) for a short visit in October :)
Keep in touch!
R & J
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happenings in Del Rio!
Lots has been happening lately! Including, Justin graduating from IFS, getting to visit with his parents, preparing my classroom, reuniting after almost a month apart, visiting yet another new church and getting to explore some fun places in Del Rio. Here's some fun pictures :)
Justin's parents and he got to explore beautiful Colorado! He flew the Diamond Katana while training in Colorado, and loved every minute of flying!

When he got home, we got to visit a really neat toy/scrapbooking/old-timey icecream store in Del Rio called The Emporium. It reminded us of the movie, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It is officially our new favorite place here :)

This is one of the pictures of my classroom!! I'm super excited about beginning my first year of teaching...one of my dreams coming true =)

We are grateful to God for keeping us safe while apart and giving us success in both our goals. A special thanks for all your prayers. Our God is so faithful, even if it doesn't go exactly as we plan it, he will not leave or forsake us.
We love you!
R & J
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." -Ephesians 3:20-21
Justin's parents and he got to explore beautiful Colorado! He flew the Diamond Katana while training in Colorado, and loved every minute of flying!

When he got home, we got to visit a really neat toy/scrapbooking/old-timey icecream store in Del Rio called The Emporium. It reminded us of the movie, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It is officially our new favorite place here :)

This is one of the pictures of my classroom!! I'm super excited about beginning my first year of teaching...one of my dreams coming true =)

We are grateful to God for keeping us safe while apart and giving us success in both our goals. A special thanks for all your prayers. Our God is so faithful, even if it doesn't go exactly as we plan it, he will not leave or forsake us.
We love you!
R & J
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." -Ephesians 3:20-21
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