As I sat, and watched the memorial for our dear brethren and sisters in Fort Hood, I couldn't help but weep as our President spoke the words, "lets not grieve for them, but with them". I am not the biggest fan of our President's beliefs, but I truly appreciated the respect he gave to them in his words today. As Veterans Day approaches, I have a stronger appreciation this year. Not only because of the closer connection I now have with the military, but also because of the clearer understanding I now have of the true sacrifice these men and women, in each branch, give for me and you, every single day. For those who have given their lives for my freedom, I am grateful. Each war, each death, is truly valuable in our Nations History of freedom. May we all keep those at war, their families, and the families of the lost, in our daily prayers.
I am thankful for this Nation, "One Nation Under God".
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