We've enjoyed getting ready to move into our new home in Texas. All the boxes are packed, we got a new washer & dryer =) , and furniture is in the process of being bought. We're so excited about a family Bon Voyage party we're having this weekend. It's going to bring us so much joy to have all the family together before we head out. Lots of people ask me if I'm sad or nervous, and I have to be honest I have had one day that was full of emotions, but after praying to God with an open and honest heart, he redirected my energy and gave me peace.
As always, our nephews and niece have continued to bring so much Joy and Love into our lives. As I told Kathy today, "there isn't many things in this life that make me feel this loved." The twins are home and we are ALL loving it...it is just so neat to see every prayer the Lord has faithfully answered. Daniel is just as full-of-life and excitement as ever! We had a very fun day at the park's Kid's Day...it had tractors, horses, and popsicles :0)

We are celebrating our 6 months of marriage this week! It is hard to believe it's been that long, but at the same time so very much has happened in such a short time! I cannot begin to praise God enough for the blessings and grace he has LAVISHED upon us.
We continue to pray for our country and the decisions our leaders are making. Luke 19:40 continues to come to our minds when we feel that it's a lost fight..for "how can we keep quiet about what the Lord has done for us!" (Acts 4:20)
Love you all. Thank you dearly for your prayers and please know that we continue to lift up those of you who have asked us for prayer. Take care!
Love, R & J
Luke 19:20
"If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!"
"If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!"
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